Don’t Wait For A Diagnosis!
Master your lifestyle and your health will follow.
Where are you now?
Have you been told that you have insulin resistance, prediabetes, or hypertension?
Are you suffering from FLC (Feel Like Crap) Syndrome?
That may look like
achy joints,
brain fog,
sugar cravings,
brain fog,
weight gain/trouble losing weight,
or skin breakouts.
Are you experiencing confusion, overwhelm, or frustration when it comes to moving forward?
It’s time for us to talk about what is possible.
You are in the right place if you want to:
Get to a healthy sustainable weight.
Have a restorative night's sleep.
Start a movement plan.
Work on relieving stress and become more resilient.
I can help you!

In your complimentary discovery call, I want to hear your story, struggles and dreams. I'll help you envision your future and talk about a plan to achieve it. I'll explain my program, my guidance, my tools, and will show you that with my support and your dedication, you will get the results you want.

A little bit about me...

For as far back as I can remember I struggled with my weight. It was the one thing in my life that I just couldn’t get under control. I tried every plan and medication that was available without sustainable results. It was painful emotionally and it took a toll on my health.In my early 30’s I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Even though I was treated with all the newest drugs, I suffered through years of fatigue, joint pain, and obesity which put extra strain on my body.It seemed like I was always sick. One day while standing in line at the pharmacy for yet another antibiotic, I made a promise to myself that I would somehow use my knowledge as a nurse to figure a way out of this misery.
I wanted to feel better, accomplish my goals, and enjoy a healthy life.
I have spent the last 20 years uncovering the root cause of my illnesses and unwell feelings and figuring out ways to make changes that are sustainable so that I would never find myself in that unwell place ever again.I went deep and found that it wasn’t just about losing weight. The weight was a symptom of a much bigger problem. The root cause of the problem was inflammation caused by many years of living an unhealthy lifestyle. I knew that if I wanted to see change, I would have to do something I had never done before. I decided to make changes in every part of my life. I left no stone unturned.I changed my eating patterns, food choices, cleaned up my sleep, started moving, removed toxic relationships from my life, and learned to manage stress. What really made the biggest impact on my life was learning how to look at my thoughts. Sounds crazy right?This has been the most impactful piece of the puzzle. Thought work is life-changing. Getting your health under control is just one part of the puzzle. The other piece is knowing how to deal with the emotional side of your new life. I needed to learn a new tool so I wouldn't end up finding my way back to my unhealthy baseline.What I learned is that our thoughts become our reality and when we look at our thoughts closely and understand how they are affecting our actions, sustainable change can be made.Ever since I cracked the code, it's been my life mission to show others the way so they can do the same.

Susie's Credentials

  • Decades of experience as a Registered Nurse

  • 7 years as RN/Coach working 1:1 with patients in a Medical Practice specializing in Functional Medicine and Metabolism.

  • Certified by The Institute of Functional Medicine- Advanced Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP)

  • Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach by The Functional Medicine Coaching Academy- (FMCHC)

  • Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach by The Life Coach School

  • Certified Life Coach by iPEC-PCC

  • Certified HeartMath Interventions Practitioner (HMIP)

  • Plant Based Chef trained at Rouxbe Culinary School

  • Mastering the Protocols for Optimization of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Worldlink Medical

  • Bredesen Protocol for the treatment of Alzheimer’s and dementia

  • Master Practitioner, Neuro Linguistic Programming

  • Certified Master Practitioner, Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

  • Laughter Yoga Trainer, Dr. Kataria, Bangalore, India

  • Freedom in Living Meditation, One World Academy, A Spiritual and Wisdom School, near Chennai, India

I always say, "DON'T WAIT FOR A DIAGNOSIS TO MAKE CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE!"It's time to empower yourself with the tools I can teach you so you can take back your health!You're closer to your optimal health than you think. Contact me to get there!

©2022 Susie Krandel Coaching, all rights reserved.